
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “Ahmet Bacaks?z” ,找到相关结果约40861条。
Controlled removal of a dislodged stent causing myocardial ischemia 1 year after stent placement
Ercan Erdo?an,Mehmet Akif Vatankulu,Mehmet Akkaya,Ahmet Bacaksz
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2013,
Microbial profile and antibiotic sensitivity pattern in bile cultures from endoscopic retrograde cholangiography patients
Muhsin Kaya,Remzi Be?ta?,Fatma Bacalan,Ferhat Bacaksz
World Journal of Gastroenterology , 2012, DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i27.3585
Abstract: AIM: To identify the frequency of bacterial growth, the most commonly grown bacteria and their antibiotic susceptibility, and risk factors for bacterial colonization in bile collected from patients with different biliary diseases. METHODS: This prospective study was conducted between April 2010 and August 2011. Patients with various biliary disorders were included. Bile was aspirated by placing a single-use, 5F, standard sphincterotome catheter into the bile duct before the injection of contrast agent during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP). Bile specimens were transported to the microbiology laboratory in blood culture bottles within an anaerobic transport system. Bacteria were cultured and identified according to the standard protocol used in our clinical microbiology laboratory. The susceptibilities of the organisms recovered were identified using antimicrobial disks, chosen according to the initial gram stain of the positive cultures. RESULTS: Ninety-one patients (27% male, mean age 53.7 ± 17.5 years, range: 17-86 years) were included in the study. The main indication for ERCP was benign biliary disease in 79 patients and malignant disease in 12 patients. The bile culture was positive for bacterial growth in 46 out of 91 (50.5%) patients. The most frequently encountered organisms were Gram-negative bacteria including Escherichia coli (28.2%), Pseudomonas (17.3%) and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (15.2%). There were no significant differences between patients with malignant and benign disease (58% vs 49%, P = 0.474), patients with acute cholangitis and without acute cholangitis (52.9% vs 50%, P = 0.827), patients who were empirically administered antibiotics before intervention and not administered (51.4% vs 60.7%, P = 0.384), with regard to the bacteriobilia. We observed a large covering spectrum or low resistance to meropenem, amikacin and imipenem. CONCLUSION: We did not find a significant risk factor for bacteriobilia in patients with biliary obstruction. A bile sample for microbiological analysis may become a valuable diagnostic tool as it leads to more accurate selection of antibiotics for the treatment of cholangitis.
Evaluation of symphysis pubis and sacroiliac joint distances in skeletally immature patients: A computerized tomography study of 1020 individuals
Ali Turgut,Emre Bilgin,Hasan Ali Akkan,Mert Kumbarac?,Tayfun Bacaksz
- , 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.aott.2017.02.008
Abstract: The aim of this study was to create a reference about normal pubic symphysis and sacroiliac joint widths of children and adolescents
Is surgeons' experience important on intra- and inter-observer reliability of classifications used for adult femoral neck fracture?
G?khan ?lyas,Levent Karap?nar,Mert Kumbarac?,Tayfun Bacaksz,?nder Kalenderer
- , 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.aott.2015.11.004
Abstract: To evaluate whether surgeons' experience affect inter- and intra-observer reliability among mostly used classification systems for femoral neck fractures
K r ehir-Aksaray Aras nda Bir Bekdik K yü (Tarihi, Gelenek, G renek, rf ve Adetleri)/// A Bekdik Village between the K rsehir-Aksaray (History, Tradition, Custom and Habits)
Ahmet Gündüz
History Studies : International Journal of History , 2011,
Abstract: Prepared in this study consists of two parts: the first part, we have prepared the subject is directly related to Bekdik village, information is given in the introduction about the history of Bekdik. Bekdik length of the Turkmen group, Ni de-Bor, Konya, Nev ehir and sides of the living. This is also part of a group of Turkmen K rsehirK rsehir 45 km away from Aksaray and settled in the village of Bekdik. In the second part of the wedding-marriage customs, circumcision traditions, evil eye, rain, prayer of livelihoods, food types, folk beliefs and not to cut nails at night, sit and so on the brink of the door., deceased persons and the customs, traditions ... is information about the pilgrims and soldiers farewell. In addition, we took our photos, this study supported village Bekdik.
Sicill-i Ahval Defterlerine G re K r ehir Do umlu Memurlar (1879-1909)/// According to Sicill-i Ahval Resgister, Officials Born in Kirsehir (1879-1909)
Ahmet Gündüz
History Studies : International Journal of History , 2011,
Abstract: Register-i ruined the books have been made according to the first part of this study are given information about the archival documents used in the first month. Register-i ruined definition of what is meant by the concept of the Registry-i ruined the books? Began to be kept from the date on which the Registry-i ruined the books and records which record keeping up to date with issues such as continued tried to explain. In the second part of the Registry-i was born in Kirsehir affairs officers are determined according to the books in the tables on the data evaluated. Dates of birth of civil servants, which schools they read, how many years have started to work, or as permanent staff is hired as an intern began, how many cents salary when they start work, the tasks they had taken during the amount of salary, position is not taken during the penalty-taking, the amount of salary they receive when they reached retirement until more information is given.
Sicill-i Ahval Defterlerine G re Kayserili Müslim ve Gayrimüslim Memurlar n Ald klar Madalya, Rütbe ve Ni anlar ( M.1879-1909)/// According to Sicill-i Ahval Registers Medals, Ranks, Insignias Taken by Muslim and Non-Muslim Officials in Kayseri (M.1879-1909)
Ahmet Gündüz
History Studies : International Journal of History , 2011,
Abstract: In this study, the Ottoman officers carrying out registration procedures and the most important source material for the near term, the biography of the Ottoman officers Sicill-i Ahval officers' notebooks were examined by making use of Kayseri. In the introduction to Ahval Sicill-i provide information about developments in the Ottoman Empire with the record keeping procedures, the explanations have been made about commissions established. However, 280 Muslim and non-Muslim civil servants in Kayseri, as a result of work activities are done within the period given to them by the state, medals, ranks, medals have been identified, assessed only on the matter by giving the information in the tables. Salvage officials before being taken from Tables Medal, the Greek CombatMedal, the Medal of Merit, the Medal of Hamidian-Hejaz Railway, Yemen Combat Medal, and the Medal of Silistraand provides information about the Medal of Patriotism of the Country.
Sicill-i Ahval Defterlerine G re Kayserili Memurlar n ledikleri Disiplin Su lar (1879-1909)/// According to Sicill-i Ahval Register Disciplinary Offenses Committed by Officials in Kayseri (1879-1909)
Ahmet GüNDüZ
History Studies : International Journal of History , 2012,
Abstract: Kayseri, Kayseri, the officers in their role in the first article that we wrote about the civil servants have received their medals for their achievements, have given information about the rank and insignia. Based on theregistration books of this article, Kayseri, are Muslim and non-Muslim guilty of disciplinary offenses while they work at the officers tried to provide information about.In addition, article 280 adds Kayseri examined the officer at the date of birth, name, father's name, father's profession, and that information about family reputations are given in three separate tables.
INFORMATION ABOUT THE VILLAGES DULKADIRLI IN KIRSEHIR (History, Tradition, Custom, Customary, Piece, livelihoods) KIR EH R’DE DULKAD RL ADINI TA IYAN K YLER HAKKINDA B LG LER (Tarihi, Gelenek, G renek, rf, Adet, Ge im Kaynaklar )
Ahmet GüNDüZ
Turkish Studies , 2011,
Abstract: This article consists of two parts. In the first part of this article, a brief information about the history of Dulkadirliler in K rsehir has been given. Dulkadirli villages are Dulkadirli nli Murat, Dulkadirli Kara sa, Dulkadirli Kar yaka, Dulkadirli Yar mkale, Dulkadirli Has yük, Dulkadirli Kartalkaya) have been presented. In addition, all the tribes and clans who settled and live in Dulkadirli Province have been determined. In the second part of this article, the customs of these tribes such as; source of living, the types of food, marriage customs and rites, evil eye, rain prayer, folk beliefs, customs related funerals, farewell ceremonies for pilgrims and soldiers. Briefly, some information have been given concerning customary traditions. This study have also been supported with the photos taken in the villages of Dulkadirli. Haz rlanan bu makale iki k s mdan meydana gelmektedir. Birinci k s mda Dulkadirlilerin tarihi hakk nda bilgi verildikten sonra K r ehir’de bulunan Dulkadirli k yleri (olan Dulkadirli nli Murat, Dulkadirli Kara sa, Dulkadirli Kar yaka, Dulkadirli Yar mkale, Dulkadirli Has yük, Dulkadirli Kartalkaya)’nin tan t m yap lm t r. Bunun yan s ra Dulkadirli Eli ( li)’ni meydana getiren di er oymaklar n ve boylar n K r ehir’de hangi k ylere yerle tikleri de tespit edilmi tir. kinci k s mda ise bu k ylerin ge im kaynaklar , yemek e itleri, dü ün-evlilik adetleri, nazar de mesi, ya mur duas , halk inan lar ndan gece t rnak kesmeme, kap e i inde oturmama vb. len ki iler ile ilgili adetler, hac u urlama ve asker u urlama gelenekleri. K saca rf, adet, gelenek ve g renekleri hakk nda bilgiler verilmi tir. Ayr ca yap lan bu al ma Dulkadirli k ylerinden ekilen foto raflarla da desteklenmi tir.
Ahmet GüNDüZ
Turkish Studies , 2011,
Abstract: In this article, I Ottoman Army during World War II who fought in Arabia, he predicted the region would harm the state or the person he believes damage to the interior of Anatolia and their families because of war before the conclusion of Kirsehir is sent into exile in order to keep under control.Kirsehir sent a list of individuals and families, they had taken the amount of fees, ages, names of countries are they, are given in the table.Kirsehir sent to other members and their families, they are given is sick after coming here to air and water in compliance with the petition of K r ehir provide their petitions in particular indicate that they are given in the report have now added the doctor. This is why I have requested be sent to cities outside of Kirsehir.Reviewed the documents sent Kirsehir exiled to the question of why people respond to, or families. For example, for reasons of military service, due to their harmful and rogue individuals, some of those effects as a result of malice and vindictive, because the question of fake money, espionage, according to some descriptions of the decision of the Court-Martial, even though they are persons who have served the state for legal reasons such as the investigation Kirsehir been sent into exile.Kirsehir sent to exile in 1918 on the Arab families in the general amnesty 'went to their countries taking advantage of the diagnosis. Bu makalede, I. Dünya sava esnas nda Arabistan’da sava an Osmanl Ordusu, O b lgede devlete zarar verdi ine inand veya zarar verece ini tahmin etti i ki i ve aileleri Anadolu i lerine dolay s yla K r ehir’e sava sonu lan ncaya kadar kontrol alt nda tutmak amac yla sürgüne g nderdi i g rülmektedir. K r ehir’e g nderilen ki i ve ailelerin listesi, alm olduklar ücretlerinin miktar , ya lar , geldikleri memleketlerinin adlar , tablo halinde verilmi tir.K r ehir’e g nderilen ki i ve ailelerin fertleri, buraya geldikten sonra hastalanm lard r. Vermi olduklar dilek elerinde K r ehir’in havas yla ve suyu ile uyum sa lamad klar n zellikle belirtmi ler ve vermi olduklar dilek elerine doktor raporunu da eklemi lerdir. Bunun i indir ki K r ehir d ndaki ehirlere g nderilmelerini talep etmi lerdir. ncelenen belgeler K r ehir’e sürgüne g nderilen ki i veya aileler neden g nderilmi ler sorusuna da cevap vermektedir. rne in askerlik sebeplerinden dolay , zararl ve sab kal ki ilerden olmalar ndan dolay , baz fesat ve kindar kimselerin tesirleri neticesinde, sahte para meselesinden dolay , casusluk, baz a klamalar g re Divan- Harp karar yla, devlete hizmet etmi ah slardan

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